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Kokořín - Castle

Town: Kokořínský Důl - direction Hlučíc

The castle was erected in the 1. half of the 14. century by Hynek Berka from Dubé. It was successively owned by more families. Robber barons are also said to have lived here. The castle began to deteriorate in the 17. century. The present castle appearance was proposed by the architect E. Sochor in 1911 – 1916 . This alteration were donated by the last castle´s private owner J. Špaček. The castle silhouette is often compared to a ship with a mast. Its dominating features are the cylindrical tower and the castle palace, which was made higher and roofed during its last reconstruction. You can find examples of old weapons, china and furniture in the castle palace. Wall paintings show us mainly the members of the Špaček´s family. A heraldic decoration is situated at the wall near the tower stair. There is a tale about the castle well and the Mácha rock is located around 100 meters from the castle entrance.